Minor Savings Account

Teach your child to save

QNB supports you in the important financial decisions that you take today for a more stable tomorrow for your children. With QNB Minors Savings Account, secure your child's future from the day they are born


  • You have the opportunity to add fresh funds to the existing balance to jump to higher tiers and enjoy higher interest
  • Earn interest on your savings that exceed the minimum opening balance
  • Benefit from a group of selected products and services linked to this account
  • Follow up on your account and carry out all banking transactions using our wide range of the Electronic banking services
  • Ability to subscribe in the mini graduation plan that helps you save for your children’s education fees and is offered from QNB Life Insurance company, for EGP accounts holders only


  • Interest is credited to this account on quarterly basis
  • Account statements are sent on monthly, quarterly, basis according to your preference

General Conditions:

  • The account is under the supervision till minor reaches 21 years
  • Offered in EGP and USD
  • A copy of the minor's birth certificate is required
  • Minimum opening balance is EGP 1,000 or USD 500



Terms and conditions apply

To apply, e-mail us on [email protected]  and a bank representative will contact you shortly

For more information, please call 19700 or visit nearest branch

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