Fund Transfers

QNB Sudan customers can transfer their funds to their own accounts inside /outside Sudan based on their  place of residency.
In order to make your transfer , you need to provide the below documents to QNB as per the below rules. 

 Transfer Rules

  • This service is exceptional and available only for QNB Sudan Retail Customers
  • Only transfers to customer’s own accounts will be accepted.
  • Customer will be able to transfer up to 80% of their foreign currencies balances, the transfer of the remaining 20 % is subject to CBOS action to transfer the FC funds available in QNB Sudan account with them. 
  • SDG balances will be paid 100%.
  • Customers residing / visiting (Qatar, Oman and Egypt) need to apply personally to one of the below dedicated QNB Branches in these countries. Direct mail / courier applications from customers in these countries will not be accepted.
  • Applications  by proxy will not be accepted.
  • The customer balance will be sent to the customer own account at their bank in the country of their current residency. 
  • Customers need to prove their identity with an original copy of the passport while visiting these branches.
  • Customer should print the documents stated below before visiting the Branch, fill, and sign them in front of QNB Representative.
  • Customers residing in locations other than Qatar, Oman and Egypt may send the required documents directly to the address specified below in QNB Doha.

Customers who are applying outside Qatar, Oman and Egypt;

  • First, customer should print the documents stated below, fill all the information (except the amount to be transferred), and send it via email to the [email protected]. Address for preliminary review and confirmation. 
  • Only applications received from customer's registered email address with QNB will be accepted. 
  • Customers, who want their funds outside Sudan, must provide the following in order for QNB Sudan Team to validate their residency outside of Sudan:
  • An overseas bank account in the customer name in the country of his/her current residence.
  • Residence permit and proof of address.
  • After receiving an email from QNB Sudan team confirming the correctness of the documents / forms and the amount to be transferred , the customer to add the transferable amount in the documents and send them by courier  to the below address in QNB Doha . 
  • The customer balance will be sent to the customer own account at their bank in the country of their current residency

Customers who are applying from Qatar, Oman and Egypt;

  • Customers will submit their applications from one of below dedicated QNB branch in Oman, Qatar or QNB Egypt. 
  • Customers, who want their funds to be sent any bank outside of Sudan, must provide the following in order for QNB Sudan Team to validate their residency outside of Sudan:
  • An overseas bank account in the customer name in the country where he /she is residing.
  • Residence permit and proof of address .
  • Related employee in QNB Qatar, Oman or Egypt will send the documents via email to QNB Sudan Team QNBSudanRetail@qnb.comfor preliminary review and confirmation. (transfer amount should be left empty at this step)
  • After receiving an email from QNB Sudan team confirming the correctness of the documents / forms and the amount to be transferred, Branch will inform the customer on the transferable amount. (for SDG currency - full amount; for foreign currency - at 80% of the account balance)
  • Related employee will add the transferable amount on the forms and send the original documents to QNB Sudan Team for processing.

QNB has the right to reject applications, if; 

  • Customer information and / or signature do not match.
  • Transfer request is not in line with above rules.
  • Terms and conditions apply. 

Required documents 

The service is available through the below QNB Branches 

QNB Oman:  Bausher Branch / Salalah Branch 
QNB Egypt:  El Marwa branch, Giza Cairo / Al-Seyouf branch, Alexandria
QNB Qatar: Alsaad Branch         

Sudan-based customer to send the documents by courier to QNB Doha to the below address:

Nagla Abdel Majid Abbas

International Business Division

QNB C Ring Road 2nd Floor Building 147 zone 42 Street 230

P.O.Box No – 1000


Telephone:+974 44534767

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