Critical illness

Critical illness can happen to anyone, at any time.

Critical Illness is an accident and health insurance solution that covers 9 key critical illnesses. If you are diagnosed with any of the covered illnesses, you will receive financial support to cover the costs of treatment or loss of income to help you focus on your recovery.


Individuals holding a residence visa in Qatar

Above 18 years of age at the time of application and not older than 59 years of age

Expiration: Policy anniversary following the 75th birthday of the insured.

Plan renewal: Automatically every month or year, based on the payment method

Mode of payment: Debit or credit card

Payment method:Monthly or annually

Benefits and Features

  • Key Benefits
  • Cover up to QAR 400,000 cash benefit
  • Monthly premiums start from QAR 43
  • Worldwide coverage*
  • Select one of four levels of cover
  • No medical tests required
  • Ability to cover spouse for a low additional cost

Key illnesses covered:  

  • Cancer
  • Brain Tumor
  • Stroke
  • First Heart Attack
  • Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery
  • Heart Valve Surgery
  • Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Coma
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Plan Details



Entry Age 

18 - 59

Maximum Age at Expiration

(Maturity is not applicable)

On the policy anniversary date following the

seventy fifth (75th) birthday

Mode of Payment 

Annual & Monthly



Minimum Face  

QR 100,000

Maximum Face 

QR 400,000

Optional Rider Benefits 

Second Medical Opinion

Premium Rates 

Calculated based on issue age and term of the policy

Grace Period 

30 calendar days

*Benefits cannot be paid in countries under international sanction, cover only continued if premiums are maintained.

Terms and conditions


This product is marketed and distributed by QNB (Bancassurance) on behalf of American Life Insurance Company (MetLife), Product T&C’s Applied - This insurance policy is underwritten by MetLife and subject to the terms and conditions of the policy contract issued by MetLife)

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